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Washtenaw County SKYWARN and ARPSC

US > Michigan > Washtenaw (County)

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Washtenaw County SKYWARN and ARPSC Amateur Radio
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Feed Notes

NOTICE: All Broadcastify feeds have an unavoidable delay of approximately one minute. If you hear a report of severe weather approaching your vicinity, that report was transmitted approximately 60 seconds earlier. TAKE ACTION ACCORDINGLY!

Audio for this feed is provided by a software defined radio located somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building. The audio you hear is from the N8DUY repeater. You can listen to this repeater directly at 145.150 MHz. If the N8DUY repeater fails during an emergency the net may be moved to a different repeater or simplex frequency. One option is the W8FSA repeater which transmits at 146.920 MHz. This feed will follow the net to the backup frequency if an operator is available locally to make that change.

What happens if power is lost at this stream's location? During severe weather events, power loss is a common problem but it's also the time when this feed is most important. With that in mind, all the equipment required to make this stream possible is connected to a UPS and a standby generator. This doesn't guarantee the stream won't go down but it decreases the likelihood.

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