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Gloucester County Fire Radio Gloucester County *EXCLUSIVE* Fire scanner feed taking you LIVE and straight into the JABS! Status: SCANNING FOR JABS!!! |
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Gloucester County Fire Radio!!
Feed notes:
*Actively scanned channels include: County Dispatch, Fire 1-6, Highway 1 & 2, Inter-Ops 1-3, and South Jersey Net. Event channels are locked out, but may be unlocked during some larger non-emergency events/incidents within the county.
*Users will experience noticeably 'louder' and less clear radio traffic, at times. This is due to a patch on the system with Atlantic County units and beyond control.
*Users will hear traffic from Camden County and Salem County (intermittently). This too is due to a patch of inter-operations frequencies between counties.
*03/2021 - New backup generator added to the site. If there are storms in the area and the feed goes down, check back in a few minutes as the connection will be reset when the transition is made to generator power.
*1/2024 - Suffered catastrophic loss of host CPU during storm. Replaced same and now fine tuning for better clarity and performance. Switch to SDR system in the works! Also regained remote functionality of feed to lock/unlock active channels!
*2/2024 - SDR system is up and running! Nice clear transmissions. I'll have to see what I can do about fine tuning the system. Some traffic is coming through 'digitized', but this system is catching everything. Also need to figure out how to lock scanning to single talk group for active incidents. ENJOY!
*3/2024 - SDR system switched over to Raspberry Pi and running FLAWLESSLY! Special thanks to my buddy "772" for helping me out to getting it up and running! Super clear! Super sharp! No digitizing anymore. This is no longer the "ONLY" feed doing exclusively Gloucester County Fire and EMS. Reality is this, we both provide exclusive content. The question is whether or not we are available to 'lock' the feed during active incidents. We both try, but it's difficult. You're now getting identical quality, one of us will likely be locked on an incident and the other may leave his feed scanning. Enjoy!
*12/2024 - From hereon out, GC EMS will be locked out - gets in the way of JABS!