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K5FTW 146.9400 MHz Tarrant County RACES/ARES - SKYWARN

US > Texas > Tarrant (County) [Dallas-Fort Worth]

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K5FTW 146.9400 MHz Tarrant County RACES/ARES - SKYWARN

Radio will be monitoring amateur radio repeater 146.940 Mhz. This is the primary frequency used for Fort Worth and Tarrant County Skywarn, RACES (Radio Amateurs in Civil Emergency Service), and ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) reports and operation
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Feed Notes

Radio will be monitoring amateur radio repeater 146.940 Mhz. This is the primary frequency used for Fort Worth RACES (Radio Amateurs in Civil Emergency Service), and ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) reports and operations.  The repeater is located in Fort Worth, Texas.  The repeater is used for normal amateur radio use when not being utilized for RACES/Skywarn purposes. When the repeater is in RACES activation mode, the morse code signal for "R" ( dit-dah-dit) is heard at the end of a transmission. _