Elkhart County Sheriff, Fire and EMS, Goshen Police and Fire |
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Elkhart County Sheriff, Fire and EMS, Goshen Police and Fire Elkhart County Sheriff, Goshen PD & FD, as well as all Elkhart County FD's. Codes and more in the notes section. |
Public Safety
48 | Online |
***Note: Broadcast feed can be as long as 30 secs to a minute behind real time.***
Fire Districts
District 1 - Baugo, Concord Township, Harrison Township, Nappanee, Wakarusa
District 2 - Bristol, Cleveland Township, Jefferson Township, Middlebury, Osolo Township
District 3 - Benton Twp, Foraker, Goshen Central/Station 3/Station 4, Millersburg-Clinton, New Paris
Signal Codes - Elkhart County IN
1 (police dept) Call Jail
1 / (sheriff dept) Call City Hall or Sherrif Dept
2 (police dept) Call Elkhart Office
2 / (sheriff dept) Unsecured Bldg: 1-Door 2-Window A-Open B-Unlocked C-Locked
3 - K-9 Needed
4 (police dept) Report To Elkhart Office
4 / (sheriff dept) Report to City Hall
5 - Report To Jail
6 - Telephone Number
7 - Extreme Emergency, Officer In Trouble
8 - Meet Or Go to
9 - Disregard
10 - Rush / Quick Action
11 - Information Confidential
12 - Will Be Out Of Car at:
13 - Running Radar
14 - Request Detective
15 - Unable To Broadcast Details
16 - Aircraft Accident
17 - Out To Eat
18 - Pistol Practice or Training
19 - Request Polygraph
20 - Car Wash
21 - Car Repair
22 - Personal Relief
23 - Boat Accident
24 - Pick Up Unit or Item at:
25 - Abandoned Vehicle: (1) On Road (2) Off Road
26 - Taking Subject To Court
27 - Traffic Stop (Give Location & Description)
28 (police dept) Bank Detail
28 / (sheriff dept) Call Communications
29 - At Your Convenience
30 - Special Assignment
31 (police dept) Traffic Congestion at:
31 / (sheriff dept) Junk Car
32 - Check Records On Name, Address, Dob
33 - Known Burglar, Felon
34 (police dept) Mental Case
34 / (sheriff dept) 3x5 on File - Signal 28 for Info
35 - Regular Department Inspection
36 - Advise Working Schedule of:
37 - Advise Anything For Me
38 - There Is Nothing For You
39 (police dept) What Are The Court Hours of:
39 / (sheriff dept) Release Warning
40 - Records Indicate Subject Is Wanted
41 - Vehicle Registration Check
42 - Stand By For Trouble at:
43 - In Possession (1-Personnel 2-Property 3-Prisoner 4-Papers)
44 (police dept) Traffic Conditions
44 / (sheriff dept) Caution 1-Carries Gun 2-May Carry Gun 3-May Run 4-May be Violent
45 - Fire
46 - In Pursuit (Give Details)
47 - Escort (Give Details)
48 - Visitors Or Officials Present
49 - Take Tornado Watch Positions
50 - Tornado
51 - Homicide
52 - Burglary
53 - Auto Theft
54 - Theft
55 - Fight
56 - Domestic Disturbance
57 - Robbery
58 - Shoplifting
59 - Subject (Person)/Complataint
60 - Witness
61 - Drowning
62 - Knifing
63 - Gun/Shooting
64 - Prowler
65 - Suspicious Person
66 - Suicide
67 - Attempted Suicide
68 - Lost Child
69 - Juveniles
70 - Hot Rods or Drag Racing
71 - Go Cart or Mini-Bike Problems
72 - Request K-9
73 - Request Coroner
74 - Request Conservation Officer
75 - Request Photographer
76 - EMS/Ambulance
77 - Request Wrecker
78 - Request Backup
79 - Having Trouble
80 - Traffic Control
81 - Labor Strike Trouble
82 - Serve Papers
83 - Unable To Locate
84 - Pick Up Prisoner
85 - Turn On Gas Pumps
86 - Gas Mileage, Gallons
87 - Blood Run
90 - Narcotics
91 - Sex Offense, (1)Rape, (2)Molest, (3)Indecent Exp.
92 - Kidnapping
93 - Runaway or Missing Person
94 - Battery
95 - Criminal Mischief
96 - Harassment or Threat
97 - House or Building Check
98 - Alley Check or Business District
99 - Important Information
100 - Emergency Traffic Only
101 -
102 -
103 -
104 - Open Security Garage Door at E.C.S.D.
105 -
106 -
107 -
108 - Silent Alarm
500 - Positive/Negative COVID-19
10 Codes - Elkhart County, IN
10 - 0 Death
10 - 1 Signal Weak, Unable To Copy, Change Location
10 - 2 Signal Good
10 - 3 Stop Transmitting
10 - 4 Acknowledgment
10 - 5 Relay Information
10 - 6 Busy, Stand By
10 - 7 Out Of Service
10 - 8 In Service
10 - 9 Repeat
10 - 10 Negative (No)
10 - 11 Dog Or Animal Problem
10 - 12 Stand By
10 - 13 Weather And Road Report
10 - 14 Information
10 - 15 Civil Disturbance
10 - 16 Domestic Problem
10 - 17 Meet Complainant
10 - 18 Urgent
10 - 19 Return To: Or Go To Station
10 - 20 Location
10 - 21 {Phone}
10 - 22 {Disregard}
10 - 23 Arrived At Scene
10 - 24 Assignment Completed
10 - 25 Trouble At Station *Clear, No Report
10 - 26 {Detaining Suspect}
10 - 27 Drivers License Information
10 - 28 Vehicle Information (Plate Information/Registration)
10 - 29 Check Records For Wanted
10 - 30 Unauthorized Use Of Radio
10 - 31 Crime In Progress
10 - 32 Request Breathalyzer
10 - 33 Emergency - All Units Stand By
10 - 34 Riot
10 - 35 {Major Crime Alert}
10 - 36 Correct Time
10 - 37 Suspicious Vehicle
10 - 38 {Stopping Suspicious Vehicle}
10 - 39 {Respond With Siren & Flashers}
10 - 40 On Air, Not On Duty *{Do Not Use Siren & Flashers}
10 - 41 Beginning Duty
10 - 42 Ending Duty
10 - 43 Be Advise
10 - 44 Permission To Leave
10 - 45 Animal Carcass
10 - 46 Assist Motorist
10 - 47 Emergency Road Repair
10 - 48 Traffic Sign / Signal Needs Repair
10 - 49 Traffic Signal Out
10 - 50 Vehicle Accident: (F) Fatal (PI) Personal Injury (PD) Personal Damage/Police Only
10 - 51
10 - 52
10 - 53 Roadway Blocked
10 - 54 Livestock On Highway
10 - 55 Intoxicated Driver
10 - 56 Intoxicated Pedestrian Or Drunk
10 - 57 Hit And Run Accident: (F) Fatal (PI) Personal Injury (PD) Personal Damage/Police Only
10 - 58 {Direct Traffic}
10 - 59 {Escort}
10 - 60 {Squad In Vicinity}
10 - 61 {Personnel In Vicinity}
10 - 62 Reply To Message
10 - 63 Prepare To Copy
10 - 64 {Local Message}
10 - 65 {Net Message}
10 - 66 {Cancel Message}
10 - 67 {Clear For Net Message}
10 - 68 {Dispatch Information}
10 - 69 {Message Received}
10 - 70 {Fire Alarm}
10 - 71 Teleprinter {Advise Nature Of Alarm}
10 - 72 Report Progress Of Alarm
10 - 73 Smoke Report
10 - 74 Negative
10 - 75 In Contact With
10 - 76 Enroute
10 - 77 ETA (Estimated Time Of Arrival)
10 - 78 Need Assistance
10 - 79 Notify Coroner
10 - 80 Pursuit In Progress
10 - 81 Breathalyzer Report
10 - 82 Reserve Lodgings
10 - 83 School Crossing Assignment
10 - 84 ETA - Estimated Time Of Arrival
10 - 85 Arrival Delayed
10 - 86 Operator On Duty
10 - 87 Pick Up
10 - 88 Advise Telephone Number
10 - 89 Bomb Threat
10 - 90 Bank Alarm
10 - 91 Pick Up Subject
10 - 92 Improperly Parked Vehicle
10 - 93 Blockade
10 - 94 Drag Racing
10 - 95 Subject In Custody
10 - 96 Mental Subject
10 - 97 Test Signal
10 - 98 Jail Break
10 - 99 Request K-9