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Catawba County Sheriff, Conover and Newton Police Dispatch, NC Highway Patrol Troop F

US > North Carolina > Catawba (County)

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 Catawba County Sheriff, Conover and Newton Police Dispatch, NC Highway Patrol Troop F

Feed scanning Catawba County Sheriff Dispatch, Newton Police Dispatch, Conover Police Dispatch, and NCSHP Troop F District 5 Dispatch. This feed also scans Tactical channels 1-8.
Public Safety
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Feed Notes

Feed receiving the following talkgroups from the Anderson Mountain VIPER tower site:

Conover Police Dispatch 9544
Newton Police Dispatch 9577
Catawba Co Sherriff Dispatch 9521
NCSHP Troop F Dist 5 Catawba Co 52193
Tactical 1 9526
Tactical 2 9527
Tactical 3 9528
Tactical 4 9529
Tactical 5 9530
Tactical 6 9531
Tactical 7 9532
Tactical 8 9533

Feed is run using a BCD996T paired with an omnidirectional antenna