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CSX, NEC, and PanAm Rail Roads - Western MA

US > Massachusetts > Hampden (County)

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 CSX, NEC, and PanAm Rail Roads - Western MA Rail
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Feed Notes

This Realistic Pro-2052 and its dedicated PC are physically in Hampshire county (Huntington), although most monitored activity is in Hampden county. The following frequencies are monitored;

- 160.560 CSX NC (Berkshire sub) dispatcher)

- 161.070 CSX W. Springfield yard

- 160.800 CSX road

- 160.770 NEC dispatcher (Palmer)

Much of what you'll hear is CSX between CP109 (Westfield) and CP123 (Chester) on the Berkshire. With our new omni antenna (Firestik trimmed two meter 5/8 wave ground plane) and eighty foot tower, the W. Springfield yard office is now clearly heard, as are most CSX dispatcher transmissions around Springfield and the NEC dispatcher in Palmer. Alpha tags are provided to assist in identifying what is being heard at any given moment; these are best viewed using dedicated audio players such as iTunes, Winamp or Windows Media Player. Our other RR radio feeds covering nearby areas are linked below.

Palmer Railroad Radio

CT Rail / Amtrak Springfield (MRS) Line - North End

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This feed is sponsored and maintained by MassBay RRE. Visit our website to see what excursions are upcoming, browse our gallery of images and ride reports from past trips, view the monthly meeting schedule and programs, become a member and more.


MBRRE 2018 'circle' trip

MassBay RRE 2018 'circle' fantrip (Worcester>Norwich>Groton>Providence>Worcester) approaches downtown Providence on the P&W unelectrified third iron used to segregate freight service from Amtrak's high-speed electrified passenger trains.