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Blind Hams DMR, Allstar and DSTAR Hub

US > New York > New York City (County) [New York City]

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Blind Hams DMR, Allstar and DSTAR Hub

A multi-mode digital/analog bridge to connect blind and visually impaired amateur radio operators world-wide, including the Blind Hams Digital Net.
Amateur Radio
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Feed Notes

This is a stream for the Blind Hams hub (a multi-mode bridge for blind and visually impaired amateur radio operators), available on Allstar at node 50631, DMR on Brandmeister TG31679, and DSTAR on DCS679A. This includes the Blind Hams Digital net, held twice weekly,Thursdays at 9:00 PM Eastern, and Saturdays at 10:00 AM Eastern. The Allstar and DSTAR bridges to DMR are provided by KE4DYI. As this is a world-wide, multi-mode bridge, this is not a regional talk group. The servers and equipment for bridging are located in the NYC area.