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Monroe County Sheriff

US > Pennsylvania > Monroe (County)

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Monroe County Sheriff

Monroe County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) covers the entire County of Monroe, they cover the County Courthouse as well as the Monroe County Correctional Facility. Radio Identifier: Charlie. You may also here the following Identifiers on this Frequency:

Status: Per an agreement with Police, this feed will be offline whenever we aren't available to monitor it. This will prevent Police Tactical Events from being Broadcast & Posted Live to avoid putting Police in further harm's way. Thank You. #BlueLivesMatter!
Public Safety
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Feed Notes

This FEED is SPONSORED by The West End Reporter, Pocono's Traffic Alerts & Incidents and Monroe County Fire Wire.

Monroe County Sheriff's Office (MCSO)

Main Monroe County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) Channel in Monroe PA 460.42500 Radio Identifier: Charlie.

You may also here the following Identifiers on this Frequency:

 Echo - PA Game Commission

India - Monroe County DA's Detectives

Mike - County Probation

Tango - State Park Rangers

Victor - Co. Domestic Relations Unit

Whiskey - PA Dept of Conservation & Natural Resources (DCNR)

X-ray - Monroe Waste Authority Police