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St. Louis Area South Rail

US > Missouri > St. Louis (County) [St. Louis]

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St. Louis Area South Rail

This feed is located in Kirkwood Missouri , Union Pacific DeSoto Subdivision 161.475, Union Pacific Chester Subdivision 161.550, BNSF River Subdivision 161.385, BNSF Cuba Subdivision 161.160

Status: The Jefferson City Subdvision is being moved to it's own feed and will no longer be on this feed, hopefully that will be availavle later tody. The TRAA is no longer being monitored on this feed.
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Feed Notes

This feed is located in Kirkwood Missouri and monitors these frequencies. Union Pacific Jefferson City Subdivision 161.220 Union Pacific DeSoto Subdivision 161.475 Union Pacific Chester Subdivision 161.550 BNSF River Subdivision 161.385 BNSF Cuba Subdivision East 161.160 BNSF Cuba Subdivision West 160.335 TRRA 160.500