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Tri-Lakes Area Public Safety

US > Missouri > Multiple Counties

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Tri-Lakes Area Public Safety Public Safety
4   Online


Feed Notes

This has a mix of Everything, Tri-Lakes Feed. If you just want to hear Taney Law then I have Taney Law Enforcement Feed. If you just want to hear Taney Fire I have it. Go to Broadcastify and select State of Mo then pick the County you want to hear and select the feed available from the list.


Using a Whistler TRX1 Handheld scanner and Broadcasting from Forsyth, Missouri out of my home. Scanning - Christian Co-MO/Ozark Co-MO/Stone Co-MO/Taney Co-MO/Carroll Co AR/Marion Co-AR Fire/Boone Co-AR Fire. 

Taney County P-25 System

Branson Taney, MO 151.115 155.445c 161.875c 161.99375 169.650c 170.4625 172.725



Taney County Fire Departments

154.31000  054 DPL Western TaneyCo Fire  Fire Dispatch 
153.78500  W TaneyCo FG PL 79.7 Fireground  Fire Tac
453.65000  123.0 PL Branson Fire East Main repeater channel Fire: Dispatch 

453.75000                         123.0 PL                Branson Fire West  end of City repeater Dispatch                                                                            

154.41500  103.5 PL CentralTaneyCounty Fire/Bradleyville Fire Fire: Dispatch 1 
154.20500      107.2 PL CenTaney FireTac Fireground 
155.8650 186.2 PL   Forsyth Fire Fire: Dispatch 
154.16000  186.2 PL Forsyth Fire
158.8125 051 DPL              Cedar Creek Fire Dispatch
154.74000  179.9 PL LazyAcres/Protem Fire Taney County Fire: Dispatch 
155.205   88.5 PL Taney Fire/EMS EMS/Fire Protection Ambulance standby

Fire V-TAC Frequencies CTCSS Tone on all 156.7


Missouri State Highway Patrol Troop D (Springfield) covers Conservation Game Wardens, Water Patrol, Highway Dispatch


Site Frequencies - Red is control Frequencies P25 System MOSWIN

Branson Taney, MO 151.115 155.445c 161.875c 161.99375 169.650c 170.4625 172.725

TROOP D (TGID and talkgroup) P-25

Region D - Interoperability P25 System

453.4875 073 DPL Lifeline A Lifeline Helicopter EMS Dispatch Branson West Heilo Base
155.235   151.4 PL SJEMS SpiAlt EMS: Alternate (Helicopter EMS) FMN EMS Dispatch
155.265   118.8 PL CoxAir Spfld EMS: Dispatch (Springfield) FMN EMS Dispatch

Taney County Ambulance District (TCAD)

System Name: Taney County Ambulance District (TCAD)
Location: Hollister , MO
County: Taney
System Type: DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Multi Site (TRBO)
System Voice: DMR

Sites and Frequencies

Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Hollister 01 155.2125
002 (2) Hercules 01 155.895
003 (3) Rockaway Beach 01 155.4075

TalkGroup ID


MarkTwain National Forest Federal Parks (Fire and Forestry) Southwest and East Missouri.

173.7625   555 NAC MTNF Ops Forest Fire Fighting P25 Federal Rolla Base to Firefighters, covers Taney County and several more Counties in Southwest and Southeast Missouri.
173.7625   526 NAC MTNF Ops Ava Base to Field, Forestry P25 Federal Ava Base covers Taney, Christian Counties and several more Counties in Southwest and Southeast Missouri.
173.7625   RM 5B6 NAC MTNF Fire Commnd Fire Command (Rolla Division) P25 Federal


Central Crossing Fire Shell Knob  P-25 (Barry County)


Ozark County Sheriff/Fire

155.070    7 RAN Ozark Sheriff A Sheriff: Dispatch / Rural Police [TG 100] NXDN96 Law Dispatch
154.235 13 RAN Pontiac Fire Fire: Dispatch NXDN 96 Fire Dispatch
154.115 506 DPL Theodosia Fire Fire: Dispatch


155.820   Ozark Sheriff B Sheriff: Dispatch - New (Timber Knob) FMN Law Dispatch

153.350  DCS032 Ozark Co Helicopter EMS

153.350 PL 100.00 Ozark Co area Ambulance 

155.040 Ozark Co DCS 043 Ozark Co 

Stone County Missouri Fire

151.460 110.9 PL Stone Fire N Fire: Dispatch - North (Hurley) Fire Dispatch
151.145 151.4 PL StoneFireOps Fire: Ops (Kimb Cty) Fire-Tac
153.770 151.4 PL Stone Fire S Fire: Dispatch - South  Fire Dispatch
154.340   SoStone Fire Fire Fire-Tac 151.4 PL
155.175 100.0 PL N Stone North East Barry Co  (DB: Stone County) Fire Dispatch
153.920 WPRJ522 M   Stone Fire 4 Fire-Tac
453.675 151.4 PL SoStFire RF2 Fire: Remote Links FMN Fire Dispatch
460.525 151.4 PL SoStFire RF3 Fire: Remote Links FMN Fire Dispatch


Stone County Police/Sheriff/Fire/EMS P-25 System

154.725   203.5 PL Kimb Police Police: Dispatch (K units) Law Dispatch
155.460   210.7 PL 911/Central Law (Crane Police) / Crane Fire FMN Multi-Dispatch

Cox Ambulance Stone County DMR

153.515 CC 10
TG 101
SL 1
Cox EMS Northern Stone EMS: Dispatch DMR EMS Dispatch

Mercy Ambulance Stone County P-25