NSW PSN Mid North Coast |
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![]() ALL NSW PSN Traffic from the following sites. Nambucca Tip, Mt Yariabini, Bowra Sugarloaf, Point Lookout, Dorrigo, Location: North Macksville. Tech Specs In Description Status: :( Stream Unexpectedly Offline :( If Problem Persists Please shoot me an e-mail at at the address in stream info |
Public Safety
0 | Offline |
ALL NSW PSN Traffic from the following Sites
Mt Yarrahapinni
Bowra Sugarloaf
Nambucca Tip
Francis Lookout Dorrigo
HackRF One
Diamond BC200N Vertical Antenna @ 12m AGL
RG213 Coax
HP Desktop Running Windows 10
SDR Trunk v6
LOCATION: North Macksville NSW
Further Improvements Likely
Financial/Equipment assitance welcome.
Queries/Questions/Qualms to: sarc122@hotmail.com
Happy Listening :)