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South Worcester County Communications Center

US > Massachusetts > Worcester (County)

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 South Worcester County Communications Center

Dudley and Webster Police / Fire, District 7 County Fire
Public Safety
17   Online


Feed Notes

Official Feed provided by the South Worcester County Communications Center. Feed originates from Webster, MA 

Monitoring the agencies served by the South Worcester County Communications Center along with the regional mutual aid channels.

Feed details:

* Dudley DPW - 159.105 179.9
* Dudley Fire - 154.340 127.3
* Dudley Police - 155.430 179.9
* Webster DPW - 151.055 88.5
* Webster EMS - 155.400 NAC 100
* Webster Fire - 153.860 NAC 100
* Webster Police Ch. 1 - 156.210 NAC 094
* Webster Police Ch. 2 - 155.7375 NAC 371
* District 7 County Fire - 33.62 131.8
* District 7 Red (Fireground) - 154.265 74.4
* District 7 Blue (Fireground) - 154.295 74.4
* District 7 Orange (Travel Channel) - 159.4575 91.5
* VFIRE21-VFIRE26 (Fireground)
* LPS-7 - Mass SP Trunk System